Maggie Hawkins-Powell Community Service and Leadership Transfer Scholarship

The Maggie Hawkins-Powell Community Service and Leadership Transfer Scholarship honors Mrs. Maggie Powell, alumnae of the 1977 graduating class of Community College of Philadelphia and a committed servant and leader in her community. She has dedicated her life to the work of advocacy for seniors and children, environmental protection and preservation, as well as education and job training, which resulted in several local and state policy changes. Maggie Powell continues to serve Philadelphia with a commitment to improve life for its more vulnerable citizens.

This transfer scholarship will award two (2) $2,000 scholarships to graduating Community College of Philadelphia students who embody the spirit of Maggie Powell and who are actively involved in community-based service initiatives committed to making a lasting difference. To be eligible, students must be currently enrolled at the College, possess a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0, be on track to earn their associate’s degree by August 30th, and be actively involved in community service work both on and off-campus. Finalists will be required to participate in Scholarship interviews. Date TBD. Please note: Scholarship monies will be sent directly to the recipients’ transfer institution. Students must apply by April.
