John R. Jensen Scholarship

Perry Watts and Samuel Litwin (husband) established the John R. Jensen Scholarship in memory of Perry’s beloved 7th grade teacher. The John R. Jensen Scholarship will provide one student with up to $5,000 or two students up to $2,500 toward tuition, fees and books during the spring semester. The scholarship will recognize a student who demonstrates the ability to achieve in academic and community endeavors and who has overcome barriers on the way to success.

To be eligible for the John R. Jensen Scholarship, applicants must meet the criteria below:

1. Applicant must have earned a minimum of 12 credits at the Community College of Philadelphia
2. Applicant must have a minimum cumulative G.P.A. of 3.0
3. Applicants must file a financial aid application (FAFSA), although applicants do not have to receive aid to be eligible.
4. Finalists will be required to interview with the Selection Committee
