Mirele and Melvin Steinig Memorial Fund

The objective of the fund is to provide tuition support for students enrolled in the Medical Billing Certificate Program or students pursuing an associate degree in one of the College’s Allied Health programs. Six thousand dollars ($6,000) will be available annually to award to students enrolled in the Medical Billing Certificate or other Allied Health programs, with $5,000 designated for tuition scholarships and $1,000 designated to provide funds for professional attire for students. Tuition scholarships will be awarded to students selected through the College’s online scholarship application process. Funding for professional attire will be awarded at the discretion of the Head, Department of Allied Health. Students must demonstrate academic progress and financial need.

Mirele Steinig, Retired Assistant Professor, 1972-1999

At an early age, Mirele Steinig learned from her parents that it was important to help other people. Throughout her life, she has devoted her life to doing just that.

After raising two children, Mirele decided to go back to school and enrolled at Community College of Philadelphia. Although she already had a degree in business administration, she decided to take courses in the allied health field. She graduated at the top of her class with an associate degree. Her newly acquired knowledge and her academic excellence opened a door that changed her life – She was invited to become a member of the College’s faculty.

Mirele spent the next 28 years teaching allied health students in the College’s Department of Medical Technology. Mirele stated, “If you have a job you love, you will never work a day in your life.” She loved her students at Community College and the school for the wonderful opportunities it offered. Most of all, she was grateful for having a meaningful life.

Her husband Melvin, now deceased, also benefited from the College’s offerings; each semester he enrolled in enrichment classes. In December of 2022, Mirele passed away. Still thinking about students, she created the Mirele and Melvin Steinig Memorial Fund through a gift in her will. The Fund provides tuition support for students enrolled in the Medical Billing Certificate Program or students pursuing an associate degree in one of the College’s Allied Health programs. A portion of the donation is designated to provide funds for professional attire for students.
