Eugene and Sara Lipowitz Music Award

The Eugene & Sara Lipowitz Music Award will provide one annual $500 scholarship to a student of Community College of Philadelphia majoring in Music Performance to assist him/her in meeting educational expenses. Eligible students must be full-time, possess a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0, and have completed at least two semesters at the College. The award will be applied to the recipient’s spring tuition account.

Although an applicant’s academic record is important for award consideration, the actual selection of the award recipient will be based on the following:

§ Regarding personality: Emotional maturity, attitude, and commitment to the arts.

§ Regarding performance: Technical fluency, flexibility and competency across style boundaries. (Preference is not given to any one style or genre.)

The award will be given to one student who meets the academic criteria and has the personality and ability to work professionally and productively as a performing musician, composer, or conductor in the field of music. Interested students must go to MyCCP, Student Quick Links, then click Apply for Scholarships. Students are encouraged to apply by December 1.
